For first time visitors, this blog generally covers fairly serious topics during the week. During the weekend, however, we open this space to various animal commentators in and around Goat Rope Farm.
This weekend, we are pleased to once again welcome our official film critic, Mr. Sandor Sege (pronounced Shandor Shegg-AY) who will discuss the film "The Battle of Algiers."
We must remind the reader that Mr. Sege suffered a head injury when he crashed into a wall whilst chasing a squeaky toy. As a result, he sometimes transposes the plots of the films he discusses. Nonetheless, we believe that his unique insights into the world of cinema more than compensate for this regrettable shortcoming.
It is our hope that features such as this will promote a greater appreciation of both the humanities and the animalities.
OK, this movie is very important for understanding certain geopolitical situations today.
It's like about this place Algiers and all these French people are there but everybody else wants them to leave.
What really starts the whole thing is when these guys break into the Dude's house and pee on his rug.
(Sometimes I pee on the rug when Moomus and Doodus are away too long...)
But the thing is, it tied the whole room together. All the Dude wants is his rug back.
So he leaves Kazakhstan and comes to America with his producer and falls in love with Pamela Anderson and goes across the country trying to find her but in the end he decides to just go bowling.
I think the message is if you want a peaceful world and no more battles of Algiers, people should stop peeing on each other's rugs and bowl more.