She's got a pretty long list of her own. One night this week I was invited to talk to a graduate social work class about "the failure of conservative economic policy." It was one of those where-do-you-start moments.
The chance to rant on that topic generated any number of thoughts, but for starters, it made me think about the need to compile a list of Things The Human Race Should Have Figured Out By the End of the Twentieth Century.
Here the first two items for the list:
*Stalinist centralized command economies don't work very well; and
*neither does un- or under regulated capitalism.
There will be way more to come on that list but that's a start.
LOOKING BACK. Harper's Index provides an interesting
retrospective look at the Bush era. It's really worth a look.
MORE ON THE NEW NEW DEAL. Here's a fond look back at Depression-era
public works projects and what we can learn from them.
STATE OF THE STATES: not good, but
federal aid during a recession can help, as this snapshot from the Economic Policy Institute shows.
global warming has been found in Antarctica.