For first time visitors, during the week this blog is devoted to serious topics related to social and economic justice, the common good, democracy, etc.
The gratuitous animal pictures are just thrown in for good measure.
During the weekend edition, however, the animals get to speak for themselves.
This weekend, Goat Rope is pleased to introduce another animal commentator, cat Seamus McGoogle (left, with friend), whose image has frequently graced this weblog.
Seamus is perhaps best known for his stern work ethic and tireless devotion to the cause of the toiling masses, although he also has extensive interests and expertise in the field of feline cuisine.
His unique culinary style combines elements of Japanese sushi preparation with traditional feline methods.
In this feature, he will share his favorite recipe.
(Note: this feature is primarily intended for cats. If by chance the Gentle Reader has not the fortune to be numbered among the felines, perhaps he or she will consider sharing this with a favorite cat.)
((Further note: the opinions and culinary tastes expressed by weekend animal commentators are not necessarily those of Goat Rope staff. In future issues, we will be happy to provide space for opposing viewpoints, particularly of those creatures which Seamus deems to be of gastronomic interest.) )
(((Further note: the staff of Goat Rope does not now nor has it ever engaged in or condoned the consumption of birds, nor would we indeed be disposed to discuss it if in fact we had.)))
This perennial favorite is one of many reasons why it is so good to be a cat. There are many schools of thought regarding preparation and presentation but in my experience the following recipe is second to none.
We will begin with the sushi part. This requires rice and nori, which is the seaweed wrap used for sushi. First, lick the fishy taste off the nori, then discard. Scatter the rice under the bird feeder.
Then, wait patiently and motionlessly under the bird feeder in early morning or at dusk. Other choice times include those in which the weather is about to change.
When a suitable item has been selected, coil and pounce. Secure item firmly in mouth and shake vigorously three times.
Then comes the most enjoyable part of the process. Release item and pretend to allow it to escape. Recapture with paw. Repeat until bored.
Finally, consume selected parts and follow with grass salad.
Note: this also makes an excellent gift. Simply bring item into the house and place in any convenient and prominent location. If that is not feasible, deposit the item on doorstep of a favorite human.