July 25, 2011

Back in paradise

Well, I'm back from a week in Italy. The trip was great. The getting there and back, not so much. The picture above was me after a particularly hellish airport day on the return trip.

On the positive side, I did get to spend a little time with the traveling Spousal Unit and to get a bit of a feel for Siena, Florence, Ravenna, and Rome and had plenty of food for thought and gullet, which will probably show up her e by and by.

In the meantime, here are some things that caught my eye after a week of being out of the loop...

MINIMUM WAGE VERSUS CEO PAY. Here's an op-ed on growing inequality by Holly Sklar.

FIGHTING FOR MEDICARE. Somebody's got to do it.

SOME THINGS SEEM TO GO TOGETHER. Like coal and poverty. Not to mention a boom and bust energy economy.

FUN AND GAMES. Some of my union friends and progressive allies are planning a tongue in cheek hot dog sale to fund tax cuts for millionaires. (We are a pretty shameless lot around here and there is no cheap stunt to which we will not resort.) Anyhow, the event got picked up by a Wall Street Journal blog.


1 comment:

Hollowdweller said...

Howz Da Goatz?