February 17, 2015

The perfect metaphor

Re: the latest WV disaster, I'm thinking train wreck might be a perfect metaphor for the state of West Virginia.

I was feeling pretty cynical this morning and had the following thought: the historical function of government in WV is to make it easier for big business to kill people and trash the place. Republicans think they can do that better than Democrats. And they're probably right.

Otherwise, a relative from out of state had this to say about WV: "Oh my God, I really think that place might be the real hell."

In any case, all this is yet more reason why we should change the state motto to "You can't make this **** up."

1 comment:

Susan J. said...

ah... but the bigger picture question is, did they wreck the train in order to leverage the President to sign Keystone? it was North Dakota erl, right?

happy snowday, Comrade!