February 23, 2012

So many rant-worthy topics, so little time

There's so much going on these days, I feel like shouting "Serenity now!" like Frank Costanza on those Seinfeld reruns.  First off, it looks like a coal mine safety bill is hung up in the WV legislature because coal industry lobbyists aren't entirely happy with some of its provisions.

Silly me--I thought the purpose of the bill was to make coal mines safer for the people who actually work in them rather than to gratify the people who profit from their labor. The Gazette had a good editorial on that.

On the bright side, the superintendent of Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch mine has been indicted. Here's hoping there's more of the same all the way up the chain.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the state mine safety agency released its report on the disaster Thursday. Its findings back up previous reports by the Governor's Independent Investigative Panel, MSHA, and the UMWA.

It will be a total disgrace (not the first of its kind) if the state fails to pass new and strong safety legislation because legislators are so cravenly servile to coal.

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