January 18, 2012

The Secret for dogs

A few years back, the New Age book titled The Secret told readers that the universe was pretty much a wish-granting machine. Here at Goat Rope Farm, the humans are pretty skeptical of such claims, but the animals appear to be true believers.

One great practitioner of The Secret is Arpad, the Great Pyrenees who serves as security chief. He seems to believe that the universe is like a banquet spread out just for him--and it seems to work out that way.

Wednesday, while on a routine afternoon walk, he struck out on his own following his nose and showed up shortly thereafter with the latest gift from the universe, which consisted of the skull, spinal column and ribs of a deer that went down during hunting season.

For him, it's just another example of the generosity of the universe.

A BANG OR A WHIMPER? Here are some possible doomsday scenarios for your dining and dancing pleasure.

ANCIENT PERUVIANS ATE POPCORN. So what movies did they watch?


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