Say what you want about West Virginia, but it seems to do public rituals right, with Senator Byrd's official state memorial service being a case in point.

The service featured bell ringing, music, prayers, many speeches (of course) and a 21 gun salute.

News reports estimated attendance in the thousands, but I'm guessing many chose to watch it on television because they overestimated the difficulty of getting there. Actually, the logistics ran very smoothly.

Music ranged from bagpipes to a military band to bluegrass to the state Martin Luther King Jr. Chorus.

Of course, most state political leaders attended, but national speakers included President Obama, former president Bill Clinton, Vice President Biden, Senate majority leader Harry Reid, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, and Congressman Nick Rahall.
It was a fit tribute to a one of a kind West Virginian.
Happy Independence Day!
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