May 15, 2010

Mummy powder, anyone?

Beginning with Arab physicians in the Middle Ages, and continuing for centuries afterward in Europe and the Middle East, it was widely believed that powder made from ground up Egyptian mummies was a powerful medicine. The fancier the mummy, the more medicinal power it was believed to possess.

How's that for a random weekend factoid?

1 comment:

Nina Laboy said...

I hate to burst your bubble but everyone knows that Mummys have potent medicine. Why this past Sunday my Mummy was there to give hugs and kisses and with a sage pulling of my coat, healed me. (Our family addictively practices the rituals of Mummys' Day!) So, Happy belated Mummys'Day! For most of us it comes up quite incognito every day. Thanks for the reminder. Let the healing continue and Power to the Paters!