October 04, 2018

Church of the holy chicken

There are all kinds of legends about the Camino de Santiago. One of the most colorful is set in Santo Domingo de Calzada (two days or so back).
It goes like this: two pious German parents and their teen son were walking the Camino. They stopped at an inn in Santo Domingo. A woman at the tavern made sexual advances on the son, which he rejected.
In revenge, she put a goblet in his pack and framed him for theft. He was hanged.
The parents went on to Santiago and prayed. When they came back , they went to a magistrate to say the son was innocent and that he would be raised.
The magistrate, who was eating at the time, said that was as likely as the rooster on his plate coming back to life. It did, and it’s decedents are honored in the cathedral to this day.
And yes, I believe every word of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha! That's awesome. I totally enjoying this! Bravo!